PTA Lucky Numbers Draw Club Application Form
It is only £1 per month!
No effort required – simply fill in the detail below.
You will be notified of your number/s by e-mail once payment is received by standing order.
Each number costs £12.00 per year – just £1 per month!
NB: Payment is a one off yearly payment of £12.00 per ONE number by standing order/internet banking. Please indicate below how many numbers you wish to purchase e.g. x1 number £12 per year, x 2 numbers £24 per year etc.
Internet banking – Standing Order:
Please set up a standing order and pay in multiples of £12.00 to:
Townley Grammar School for Girls Parent Teacher Association
Metro Bank
Sort code 23-05-80
Account no: 44593378
Be sure to give the student’s surname & form as your reference number so that we can find your payment easily.
Good Luck!